Leveraging IG Frameworks to Support Legal Hold Procedures

Last Updated: October 3, 2024By

Leveraging IG Frameworks to Support Legal Hold Procedures

In today’s data-driven world, organizations are producing, storing, and managing vast amounts of digital information. This explosion of data has made effective Information Governance (IG) more crucial than ever, particularly when it comes to legal compliance. One of the key areas where a strong IG framework plays a critical role is in supporting legal holds—the process of preserving information that may be relevant to litigation or regulatory investigations.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of legal holds, the challenges organizations face in managing them, and how a well-structured IG framework can ensure compliance, reduce risk, and streamline the legal hold process.

What is a Legal Hold?

A legal hold (also known as a litigation hold or preservation order) is a directive issued by an organization’s legal department to preserve all forms of relevant information in anticipation of litigation, audit, or investigation. Legal holds are a critical aspect of eDiscovery, the process through which electronically stored information (ESI) is identified, collected, and reviewed for use in legal proceedings.

When a legal hold is issued, routine data destruction practices must be suspended, and all potentially relevant data, whether in email, documents, chat logs, or other formats, must be preserved. Failing to preserve this data can lead to serious legal consequences, including sanctions, fines, and a weakened legal defense.

Challenges of Managing Legal Holds

The legal hold process can be complex and presents several challenges for organizations:

  1. Data Volume and Complexity: As organizations grow, they produce more data stored across various systems, platforms, and locations. Managing and identifying all potentially relevant information is increasingly difficult, especially in large, decentralized environments.
  2. Decentralized Systems: With data spread across cloud services, local networks, third-party platforms, and personal devices, ensuring that all data subject to a legal hold is preserved can be a daunting task.
  3. Employee Non-Compliance: Ensuring employees comply with legal hold directives, especially in remote or hybrid work environments, can be a challenge. Lack of awareness or understanding of legal hold requirements can lead to accidental data deletion or failure to preserve key information.
  4. Routine Data Retention Policies: Most organizations have routine data retention and deletion policies in place to manage storage costs and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. However, when a legal hold is issued, these policies must be temporarily overridden to prevent the destruction of relevant data.

This is where Information Governance (IG) frameworks play an essential role.

 The Role of IG Frameworks in Supporting Legal Holds

An effective Information Governance (IG) framework helps organizations manage and control their information assets in a way that supports both operational efficiency and compliance with legal requirements. By aligning IG with legal hold procedures, organizations can streamline the process and avoid common pitfalls.

Here’s how IG frameworks support legal hold procedures:

  1. Centralized Data Management

A robust IG framework ensures that all information is categorized, tagged, and stored in an organized manner, making it easier to locate relevant data during a legal hold. This centralized approach reduces the risk of data being overlooked or lost, especially when data is spread across multiple systems.

By implementing data classification standards, retention schedules, and metadata management, IG frameworks make it easier to quickly identify where sensitive or legally relevant information resides, saving time during the legal hold process.

  1. Automation and Workflow Integration

Modern IG frameworks often integrate with legal hold management systems to automate key parts of the process. For example, once a legal hold is initiated, IG tools can automatically pause retention schedules for the relevant documents, trigger notifications to custodians, and track compliance.

This automation minimizes the risk of human error and ensures that all relevant information is properly preserved. Workflow integration also enables seamless collaboration between legal, compliance, and IT teams, reducing bottlenecks and improving efficiency.

  1. Audit Trails and Accountability

Maintaining a defensible position in legal matters requires detailed documentation and transparency. An effective IG framework generates audit trails that track every action taken regarding the preservation, collection, and review of information under a legal hold. This includes records of who accessed or modified specific files, when they did so, and what actions were taken.

These logs provide a transparent record that can be invaluable in court, demonstrating that the organization has complied with its legal obligations.

  1. Policy Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring

One of the biggest challenges organizations face during a legal hold is ensuring that all employees comply with the hold directive. IG frameworks support this by enforcing policies through technical controls, such as restricting deletion rights on key systems or implementing alerts that notify compliance officers if specific files are altered or deleted.

In addition, IG systems allow for regular monitoring and reporting on the status of the legal hold, ensuring that the legal team can stay informed about compliance and quickly address any issues that arise.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

Legal holds can vary in scope—from a small number of documents to large-scale holds affecting thousands of records across multiple departments. An IG framework that is scalable ensures that legal holds of any size can be managed effectively.

Moreover, as organizations continue to adopt new technologies and data storage platforms, IG frameworks must be flexible enough to integrate with emerging tools and systems. This ensures that legal hold procedures can adapt to evolving business needs without causing disruptions.

Best Practices for Implementing Legal Hold Procedures with IG Frameworks

To fully leverage IG frameworks in support of legal hold processes, organizations should consider the following best practices:

  1. Align Legal and IT Teams Early: Establishing close collaboration between legal and IT teams is critical. Both groups should work together to design the legal hold process within the IG framework, ensuring that the technical infrastructure supports legal compliance.
  2. Define Clear Legal Hold Policies: Have clearly documented policies for initiating, managing, and releasing legal holds. These policies should define roles and responsibilities for each team involved and outline a step-by-step process for responding to legal hold notifications.
  3. Regularly Review and Update IG Frameworks: As technology evolves, so do the methods for storing, accessing, and securing data. It’s important to review and update your IG framework regularly to ensure it can accommodate new data sources and tools while supporting legal hold procedures effectively.
  4. Train Employees on Legal Hold Compliance: Employees are often the weakest link when it comes to legal hold compliance. Regular training sessions and reminders should be in place to educate staff on their obligations during a legal hold and the importance of preserving information.
  5. Use Legal Hold Software Tools: Integrating specialized legal hold software with your IG framework allows for easier management of the entire process, including sending notifications, tracking compliance, and generating reports for legal review.

Legal holds are a critical part of any organization’s litigation preparedness, and the growing complexity of data management makes them increasingly difficult to manage without the right support systems in place. By integrating legal hold processes into a strong Information Governance (IG) framework, organizations can streamline the identification and preservation of relevant data, reduce the risk of non-compliance, and create a defensible position in legal proceedings.

A comprehensive IG framework not only supports legal holds but also enhances overall data governance, ensuring that your organization can manage information efficiently while staying compliant with legal and regulatory requirements.

By leveraging modern IG frameworks and adopting best practices, organizations can ensure a smooth, compliant, and efficient legal hold process, protecting both their data and their legal standing.

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About the Author: Sonja Dzadza