About Us
About InfoGov World Media | Your Global IG resource
InfoGov World is a media services company that unifies the IG community with a common voice. We provide a sphere of media services including print advertising, digital advertising, webinars and podcasts for corporate messaging to members of the IG community. Our vision for the $200+ billion-dollar
Information Governance
A subset of corporate governance. It is an all-encompassing term for how an organization manages the totality of its information. IG “encompasses the policies and leveraged technologies meant to dictate and manage what corporate information is retained, where and for how long, and also how it is retained (e.g., protected, replicated, and secured). Information governance spans retention, security, and life cycle management issues”. IG is an ongoing program that helps organizations meet external compliance and legal demands and internal governance rules.
Information Governance market defines nine key sub-market segments: Information Privacy, Information Security, Data Analytics and Infonomics, Data Governance, eDiscovery, Regulatory Compliance, Records and Information Management, ECM & EFSS and Archiving and Long-Term Digital Preservation.
A Promise to the IG Community
“Information Governance.” It seems like one of those oxymorons, like “jumbo shrimp,” or “military intelligence.” Information and Governance can’t easily co-exist.
Because they are at odds: “Information” is messy. It arrives at odd hours, in unexpected formats, by the pound, by the ton. It’s welcome and unwelcome at the same time. It’s unruly, but necessary.
Business would stop without it, and yet we have little control over its appearance and its effect. It’s like the weather. Information makes us. And controls what we do in business and in life, often with or without our permission.
“Governance,” on the other hand, is an opposing concept. Governance is about rules, and rules put into practice. It demands adherence. Somewhere, right now, someone is creating a policy that requires the proper treatment and respect for business information. It may be right; it may also be wrong. But it is a new demand being placed on that information. Ensuring that policy is enforced is challenging. Governance is hard, and necessary. Ask your lawyers.
But just because there appears to be a contradiction, don’t allow that to miss the majesty of it. Information Governance is about squaring that tension. It implies that people can accept the inevitability of change while controlling its potential for ill effect.
That’s what we’re about. InfoGov World Media will devote our efforts to squaring that tension between uncontrolled information and austere practice. Between information chaos and information opportunity. Along the way, we will bring you informative interviews with IG thought leaders and interesting articles that put a people face on the techie aspects of Information Governance.

Robert Smallwood

Baird Brueseke

Dan Adams

Robert Smallwood
Baird Brueseke
Dan Adams
Kenny Boyer
Dan O’Brien
Mark Driskill, Taylor Brueseke, Martin Keen
Thomas Kimball
Lori Ashley, Baird Brueseke, Gary Cokins, Sam Fossett, Andrew Harvey, Darra Hofman, Doug Laney, Patricia Morris, Barry Moult, Bob Seiner, Robert Smallwood, Andrew Ysasi
Isi Akahome, Nate Kieser, Ben Siegfried
Jason R. Baron, John J. Jablonski, Doug Laney, Paula Lederman, Nick Rhodes, Bob Seiner Judy Selby, Robert Smallwood, Arlette Walls